In order to do this, the synod recommends the following goals and strategies:
Goal 32. Become socially and ethically responsive at home and in the public arena so as to carry out Christ’s mission in the world.
- Make an effort to become well informed about the Church’s social teachings so as to be able to speak clearly in public
- Teach children and youth right from wrong and the need to be concerned about bringing Catholic moral values and ethics into both personal life and the life of the community
- Identify prejudices and teach respect and acceptance of others through word and example
- Respect God’s gift of creation by exercising care for the environment
Goal 33. Integrate social justice and peace-making into the faith life of the parish community.
- Stress that parishioner participation is necessary to carry out works of faith
- Help make the connection between liturgy and social justice at home, in the workplace, and in the civic community
- Give homilies that clearly address the evils of prejudice, racism, abuse of human dignity, and failure to help one’s neighbor
- Include local and state justice issues in homilies and prayer petitions
- Present the social teaching of the Church in RCIA formation
- Address attacks on the value of life and human dignity through education on Catholic moral teaching
Goal 34. Collaborate across denominational lines to address social issues and help those in need.
- Collaborate with organizations seeking to benefit the common good, such as Triangle Interfaith
- Address issues such as inadequate health care, domestic violence, homelessness, prison population, availability of weapons, and environmental contamination
Goal 35. Extend parish ministry to reach out to incarcerated Catholics.
- Educate parishioners to support prison ministry and outreach to the incarcerated
- Work with families of offenders outside the walls
- Work at making the parish a community of faith where an ex-offender can be accepted
- Train lay volunteers to assist with prison ministry
Goal 36. Promote Catholic social teaching and respect for all of life.
- Publicize and teach the principles of social justice and actively cultivate their acceptance among Catholics in Southeast Texas
- Include social justice education in the services provided by Catholic Charities
- Use various forms of media to educate the public
- Publish timely information on social justice issues in the East Texas Catholic
- Ensure that just wages are paid to all church workers
Goal 37. Take an active role in responding to recent immigrants and the issues they face.
- Work toward reducing prejudice and social resistance to newcomers
- Provide assistance with legal issues and documentation through the immigration office of Catholic Charities
- Provide for greater participation and visibility of Vietnamese and Hispanic peoples within the local Church