Liturgical life in our parishes must be preceded by evangelization, faith, and conversion. Only then can it produce in our lives: new life in the Spirit, involvement in the Church’s mission, and service to her unity (CCC, 1072).
Therefore, the synod recommends the following:
Goal 20. Participate with reverence, attention and devotion in the celebration of the Sunday Eucharist and other liturgical celebrations.
- Celebrate the Sunday Eucharistic liturgy together as a family
- Celebrate more frequently the forgiveness and healing Jesus offers us in the Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Deepen your understanding and appreciation of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick so it can be celebrated at appropriate times
Goal 21. Ensure that preparation and celebration of liturgy are given the highest priority by the faith community.
- Build up the Church and deepen spiritual growth by expecting both clergy and laity to participate in ongoing formation and educational opportunities
- Develop opportunities for laity to contribute to liturgical celebration
- Nourish the people with homilies that present the truth of the Gospel
- Cultivate musical participation during worship by providing necessary resources and appropriate music
- Provide opportunities for individuals to receive the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick before they enter the hospital
- Schedule the Sacrament of Reconciliation at times convenient for most parishioners
Goal 22. Provide ongoing liturgical education in various ways to engage in “full, active, and conscious participation” in the liturgy.
- Explain the meaning of the liturgical actions and text, so that people can understand how the events that saved us are actualized and made present in the liturgy.
- Ensure that liturgical formation is integral to both Catholic schools and parish religious education programs
- Consider how young children can participate in the liturgy at their own level, perhaps through “Gather the Children” or some other way
- Cultivate the formation and participation of youth and young adults in the liturgical ministry of the parish
- Provide opportunities for the entire parish to reflect on and dialogue about the quality of liturgical celebration and participation
Goal 23. Extend hospitality as an expression of being one body in Christ.
- Welcome all, especially visitors and guests
- Make the parish church and all liturgical celebrations more available to those who are physically, visually, or hearing disabled
- Publicize the mass schedule in the best ways to reach the greatest number of people
- Help members of the parish to assist those who have special needs so that they may attend liturgical celebrations
Goal 24. Provide guidelines regarding worship and sacramental preparation.
- Require catechetical instruction and other guidelines needed for preparation and reception of all sacraments
- Develop guidelines for preparation, expectations, and follow-up, for the sacrament of matrimony
- Establish criteria for the sacrament of confirmation
- Set guidelines and expectations of godparents and sponsors
- Publish common guidelines for rites and ceremonies
- Provide signing for the hearing impaired every Sunday at designated liturgies
- Gradually help all parishes to become compliant with the American Disabilities Act
Goal 25. Provide liturgical formation and training through the Office of Worship.
- Provide on-going education in liturgy: Eucharist and the other sacraments, liturgical renewal, the Rite of Christian Burial, cultural diversity, norms for worship space
- Provide training for extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist and proclaimers of the Word
- Conduct workshops in liturgical music and song
Goal 26. Cultivate the Catholic expression of the richness of our ethnic and cultural diversity.
- Celebrate cultural and ethnic liturgies when appropriate
- Publicize and promote the various cultural religious feasts throughout the diocese