Therefore the synod recommends the following goals and strategies:
Goal 12. Make Jesus Christ and his gospel the center of your home life.
- Accept the personal responsibility to exercise baptismal commitment in the choices of everyday life
- Be a role model
- Be willing to sacrifice a great deal for the good of the family
- Pray together at home
Goal 13. Form the young at home in the moral and ethical values needed for living and loving.
- Teach children discipline, self control and how to be responsible
- Teach children the necessity of respecting themselves, others, and all of creation
- Teach children how to relate to others and how to care for them
Goal 14. Promote concern for spiritual maturity so that youth are able to make life choices that are expressions of faith.
- Educate children to want to seek and to do God’s will
- Present the various vocations: Holy Orders, religious life, marriage, the single life as personal invitations given by God to live out the grace of baptism
Goal 15. Emphasize that marriage is a God-given vocation and provide various means to support couples throughout their marriage.
- Extend marriage counseling and education to include the time before and after the wedding
- Train couples to support and advise young and struggling couples
- Develop support groups for various family-related issues
- Celebrate significant marriage anniversaries at parish liturgies
- Extend compassion and pastoral understanding to those who no longer have a marriage partner
Goal 16. Make the family a major focus of pastoral education and services.
- Expand the Office of Family Life Ministry to be a resource for developing tools, programs, and leadership training related to various aspects of marriage and family life
- Provide a broad variety of educational seminars and other resources which present marriage, sexuality, family life and love, natural family planning, and parenting within the framework of Catholic teaching
- Expand the direct services of Catholic Charities to include helping families in crisis and the victims of abuse
- Schedule various kinds of retreats
Goal 17. Emphasize parent and family education so that Catholic beliefs and religious practices are nourished in the home.
- Encourage prayer and spirituality in the domestic church, the home
- Provide education and training on how to form young children in the faith
- Teach how moral standards relate to the sacredness of the family
- Teach skills for communication and parenting to young people before marriage
- Find opportunities to foster pride in being a Catholic family
Goal 18. Help immigrant families to adjust to living in Southeast Texas.
- Assist with developing literacy in the spoken language of the immigrants
- Teach basic English communication skills: speaking, reading, and writing
- Provide religious programs/materials in the spoken language of the people
- Help Catholic immigrants to understand and appreciate that both in their own culture and the US culture there are values and customs which are rooted in the Gospel
- Help youth to deal positively with the conflict between the cultural customs of their former country and those of the US
Goal 19. Expand ministry to address a rapidly growing Hispanic population.
- Help strengthen the Catholic identity and practice of immigrants from various Latin America countries by respecting, engaging and honoring their Catholic cultural customs
- Orient the clergy to the specific needs of Spanish-speaking Catholics
- Educate some clergy and seminarians to speak Spanish and to develop specific ministry skills needed within the Hispanic community
- Enable the Hispanic laity to evangelize youth