WASHINGTON—Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty, and Bishop Mitchell T. Rozanski, bishop of Springfield, Massachusetts and chairman of the USCCB Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, urged Members of Congress to support passage of the Federal Disaster Assistance Nonprofit Fairness Act of 2017 (H.R.
Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas is working with the SBA to hold disaster assistance information meetings at three parishes for those affected by the Hurricane/Tropical Storm Harvey. The SBA provides low interest, long-term loans to not only businesses but also homeowners and renters to help replace uninsured or underinsured disaster damaged property.
Although Harvey may have blown some of the worst rain ever into Southeast Texas, the nasty visitor also sent some of the best people our way including a papal missionary based out of the Diocese of Lexington, Kentucky.
“Clothe yourself with compassion and kindness … bear with one another and forgive whatever grievance you have.” Bishop Curtis Guillory took these words from St. Paul to be the heart of his homily Sunday, September 18, 2017, as he celebrated Mass at St. Martin de Porres Mission in Cheek.
Billy Albritton, principal of St. Joseph School in Plaucheville, Louisiana, drove over three hours to St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School in Port Arthur to deliver school supplies and backpacks for students affected by Hurricane Harvey.
Bishop Curtis Guillory, S.V.D., celebrated Mass for students and staff at Msgr. Kelly Catholic High School Sept. 14 – one day after students returned to classes following Hurricane Harvey. Kelly was one of three schools in the Beaumont Diocese that was hard hit by flooding from the storm.
Bishop Curtis Guillory, SVD, and Father Paul Sumler, pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes, came out to help Catholic Charities distribute supplies today in Vidor. Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas brought water, cleaning supplies, food and more to help those in need in that Orange County community.
Even with a damaged building, the staff at St. Catherine of Siena in Port Arthur made sure their school was ready for students to attend class again. The stripped floors and makeshift workstations at St. Catherine of Siena were overshadowed by the eagerness of the students who returned to class on Tuesday, Sept. 13, after a two-week pause due to Hurricane Harvey.
Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas’ Disaster Response set up another distribution location in St. James in Port Arthur. A long line of cars went out to neighboring business as Port Arthur residents waited to receive cleaning supplies, food boxes and other home products, such as pet food and diapers.
Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas distributed food, supplies and water in Bon Wier to those affected by Hurricane Harvey. The distribution point helped over 100 families in the area. Several volunteers from around the diocese assisted the Disaster Response team from Catholic Charities in the distribution.
Everybody helped and now we’re ready. That apparently is the good news at Msgr. Kelly Catholic High School, Beaumont. Students, administrators, teachers, parents and even the school chaplain showed up for another clean up on Saturday, Sept. 9.
When Father Andrew Moore saw the devastation that was around him as Harvey was bringing flooding rain to Southeast Texas, he couldn’t just sit by and do nothing. He sprang into action through Facebook, motivating and encouraging parishioners.
El Consulado Mexicano ha estado en varias parroquias de la diócesis de Beaumont ofreciendo ayuda financiera a familias que normalmente no califican por otros tipos de ayuda por su estatus migratorio.
September 7, 2017 WASHINGTON—The following statement has been issued by James Rogers, Chief Communications Officer for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) clarifying the USCCB position on advocacy and care for migrants and refugees.
With many people in Southeast Texas currently without a home due to Hurricane Harvey, the Catholic parish in Cleveland is providing relief. St. Mary Parish in Cleveland teamed up with the American Red Cross to take in evacuees affected by Hurricane Harvey.
Hurricane Harvey has had neighbor helping neighbor. And that’s the same compassionate effort that’s underway with the Diocese of Beaumont’s pastors. When Bishop Curtis Guillory S.V.D. paid a visit to St. John the Evangelist on Sept. 5, he found a pastor from a neighboring Port Arthur parish on the clean-up crew at St. John.
More than two dozen students from Msgr. Kelly Catholic High School joined other volunteers to clean up the mess Harvey made for students at St. Catherine of Siena School. The older students showed up at the Port Arthur school September 5 ready to go to work.
Monseñor Curtis Guillory, SVD, Obispo de Beaumont, paso el Día del Obrero en la parroquia de San José en Puerto Arturo visitando a los damnificados del Huracán Harvey. Desde que paso la tormenta, Monseñor Guillory ha estado visitando con los afectados del huracán, al igual que con personal de primeros auxilios y voluntarios.
Bishop Curtis Guillory, SVD, spent Labor Day at St. Joseph Parish in Port Arthur visiting with Harvey storm survivors. In the days since the storm, Bishop Guillory has been visiting with those affected by Harvey as well as first responders and volunteers.
Bishop Curtis Guillory celebrated Mass Sunday, Sept.3 at St. Anthony Cathedral Basilica in Beaumont for all those affected by Harvey and those who responded to their needs. His homily contains a message of hope, courage and compassion that is meant not only for those who came to pray at the Cathedral but for all who have been touched by the recent devastation.