The Catholic Student Center at Lamar University in Beaumont celebrated Thanksgiving on Nov. 21 with a Mass in the St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel followed by a dinner. The celebration served as an opportunity for students and staff to give thanks to God and to enjoy food and fellowship before the holiday break.
Diocesan Ministries would like to be on your Christmas gift list. You can scratch that gift off your list on Giving Tuesday, Nov. 28, by making a gift to the Bishop’s Faith Appeal campaign. Eighteen diocesan ministries that serve more than 110,000 individuals in nine counties in Southeast Texas.
About 120 teens and adults from the Diocese of Beaumont joined more than 20,000 others at the Lucas Oil Stadium and Indiana Convention Center for the 2017 National Catholic Youth Conference. Held Nov. 16-18 in Indianapolis, they participated in break-out sessions and opportunities for spiritual growth, prayer, learning, and service.
Father Young died Nov. 5. Services to be held Monday and Tuesday He was 68. Father Robert Young, OFM, who died in St. Petersburg, Fla., was born and raised in Orange where he attended St. Mary Church.
By Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) — The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has acquired the domain name Catholic.Bible. The site,, is already up and running. It contains a survey from the American Bible Society on Catholics’ use of the Bible.
About 90 junior high youth from across the Diocese of Beaumont gathered Nov. 4 to be led by Cooper Ray in a day that was spectacular. Ray, associate director of discipleship of youth, young adult and campus ministries with the Diocese of Dallas spoke of how the youth should grow in their faith but to keep their faith as their anchor.
Funeral services for Father Murrin were held Nov. 4 at the Liberty-based parish, where he had served as a priest in residence since 2015. He died Oct. 27 in Houston after an extended illness. Bishop Guillory and Father Paul Kahan, SVD, served as celebrant and homilist at the funeral Mass.
Evening Prayer set the tone of the St. Martin de Porres feast day celebration Nov. 5 at St. Martin de Porres Mission in Cheek. St. Martin, the patron saint of social justice and mixed-race people, died in 1639.
Father Murrin died Oct. 27, services today and tomorrow He was 84. Father Donald Lee Murrin, SVD, who died in Houston after an extended illness, had been serving as a priest in residence at Immaculate Conception Church in Liberty since 2015.