“Once abortion is again illegal, then we’ll see the value of life rise in our country and elsewhere,” said Father Martin Nelson at the annual Southeast Texas “Rally for Life” at St. Anne Parish in Beaumont Jan. 21.
Father Nelson, parochial vicar at St. Anne, served as the keynote speaker touching on how laws and court decisions can be changed and reminding those attending the rally how segregation once was legal but was eventually outlawed.
“Yes, Roe v. Wade can easily be overturned,” he said.
Roe v. Wade is the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion.
Father Nelson presented a plan of action on behalf of the unborn.
“Pray, pray, pray,” he said. “This is the most obvious and the most important because we need to be centered in prayer.”
He also said we must love and support women who are pregnant with an unwanted child.
“Adoption is a loving option for mothers and fathers unable to care for the child,” Father Nelson said.
And he said violence is not the answer to seeking protection for unborn children. Instead, he added, the alternate path is to seek civil solutions and lawsuits on behalf of the unborn.
“Once abortion takes a human life, it most certainly weakens the value of all human life,” said Father Nelson.
Trophies were awarded to the top three youth groups that arrived with the largest number of youth to participate in the rally. Queen of Vietnam Parish in Port Arthur was first with 56 youth in attendance. Second place went to Infant Jesus Parish in Lumberton with 20 in attendance. And First Baptist Church in Bridge City finished third with 13 youth attending the rally.
The Rally for Life was held in remembrance of the 45th anniversary, Jan. 22, 1973, of the Roe v. Wade decision.
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