“I fell in love with the ministry and life in the Diocese of Beaumont,” said Father Rodel V. Faller when talking about why he decided to become a United States citizen. Father Faller took the oath and became a citizen on Nov. 9 at Jack Brooks Federal Court in Beaumont.
“The hardest part about becoming a citizen was studying the United States civics and history,” Father Faller said. The path to citizenship for the Philippines native took more than six years.
“The great thing about being a citizen is that now I can do everything Americans can do,” Father Faller said. He added “I wish I was able to be sworn in before the election so I could have voted.”
Father Faller’s enthusiasm was contagious as he smiled and waved an American flag in the courtroom.
Federal Court Judge Keith Giblin administered the oath to Father Faller and 108 other new citizens from 17 countries. Father Faller then joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Tags: English, ETC Online, This Just In