Revised August 1996
Table of Contents:
The whole Church, as a priestly people, acts in different ways in the work of reconciliation which has been entrusted to it by the Lord. Not only does the Church call sinners to repentance by preaching the Word of God, but it also intercedes for them and helps penitents with maternal care and solicitude to acknowledge and admit their sins and so obtain the mercy of God who alone can forgive sins. Furthermore, the Church becomes the instrument of the conversion and absolution of the penitent through the ministry entrusted by Christ to the Apostles and their successors. (RP n.8)
Pastors of parishes and chapels are to take care to provide suitable rooms for the Sacrament of Penance, in which the penitent may exercise the right to anonymous or face to face celebration of the Sacrament (PLBT n.3). This right should also be preserved in communal penance celebrations.
The conditions for General Absolution do not ordinarily pertain within the diocese.
Canon 961:
Canon 983:
Stress has been laid upon the actual ecclesiastical discipline concerning the time of First Confession which prescribes that children, once they have reached the use of reason, must be prepared to receive First Communion after sacramental confession. The basis for this observance, for children, is not so much the state of sin in which they may be, as the formative and pastoral aim: that is, to educate them, from a tender age, to the true Christian spirit of penance and conversion, to growth in self-knowledge and self-control, to the just sense of sin, even of venial sin, to the necessity of asking for pardon of God and, above all, to a loving and confident abandonment to the mercy of the Lord. Such an education is mainly the task of the parents, educators and priests.
Reception of the Penitent
Reading of the Word of God
(“All the revised rites of the sacraments include a reading from Scripture. And, like every other sacrament, Reconciliation is to be a response to the Word of God.” But pastoral circumstances may not always be appropriate for using a reading.)
Confession of Sins and Acceptance of Satisfaction
Prayer of the Penitent and Absolution
Proclamation of Praise of God and Dismissal
Introductory Rites:
Celebration of the Word of God:
Rite of Reconciliation:
Concluding Rite:
Paragraph 31 from the Introduction to the Rite of Penance:
Individual, integral confession and absolution remain the only ordinary way for the faithful to reconcile themselves with God and the Church, unless physical or moral impossibility excuses from this kind of confession.
Particular, occasional circumstances may render it lawful and even necessary to give general absolution to a number of penitents without their previous individual confession.
In addition to cases involving danger of death, it is lawful to give sacramental absolution to several of the faithful at the same time, after they have made only a generic confession but have been suitably called to repentance, if there is grave need, namely when, in view of the number of penitents, sufficient confessors are not available to hear individual confessions within a suitable period of time, so that the penitents would,through no fault of their own, have to go without sacramental grace or holy communion for a long time. This may happen especially in mission territories but in other places as well and also in groups of persons when the need is established.
General absolution is not lawful, when confessors are available, for the sole reason of the large number of penitents, as may be on the occasion of some major feast or pilgrimage.
Introductory Rites:
Celebration of the Word of God:
General Confession:
General Absolution
Proclamation of Praise and Conclusion: