Bishop Curtis J Guillory, SVD, will be honored with the Rabbi Samuel Rosinger Humanitarian Award on Sept. 15 at the Beaumont Downtown Event Center. Temple Emanuel explains the honor as the “most prestigious and significant honor created by the Temple Emanuel and the Southeast Texas Jewish community.” The annual honor is given to an individual “who lives a life of honor, integrity and service that affirms the legacy of Rabbi Rosinger, and moves Southeast Texas closer to becoming the kind of community our children deserve.”
Allison Getz serves as the President of the Board of Trustees for Temple Emanuel and explains why Bishop Guillory was chosen as this year’s honoree. She said, “Rabbi Rosinger was a wonderful person that spread the message of love and hope through compassion for others, and we believe that is what Bishop Curtis Guillory does today.”
Rabbi Samuel Rosinger led Temple Emanuel for over 50 years starting in 1910. His leadership and vision made a huge impact at the temple and in the community it served. When comparing Bishop Guillory and Rabbi Rosinger Getz said, “It is amazing that two people who live in different ages and are of different faiths can have the same message.” She explained further, “Bishop Guillory exemplifies the same qualities that Rabbi Rosinger had years ago.”
The Rabbi Samuel Rosinger Humanitarian Award Dinner will be held at 700 Crockett Street in Beaumont starting at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 15. For more information call 409-832-6131.
Tags: Bishop Guillory, English, Humanitarian Award, Rabbi Rosinger, Temple Emanuel, This Just In